For the purpose of precise information, only the most vital objectives are spelt out here.These are to: Provide a central organization for engineering technicians.Advance the interest of technical profession in Nigeria.Promote, protect, encourage and maintain a high standard of technical education and training to encourage greater efficiency amongst its members.Conduct and organize seminars, conferences, workshops, meetings, courses, symposia, technical shows, exhibitions and other similar exercises on technical topics and subjects in Nigeria. Or else where.
Promote and pursue research in technical practice EMB
EDE with particular reference to local needs and conditions. Promote and enforce high standard of performance and professional ethics among its members.Watch over, and protect the mutual interest of members and give advise on relevant issues.
EDE with particular reference to local needs and conditions. Promote and enforce high standard of performance and professional ethics among its members.Watch over, and protect the mutual interest of members and give advise on relevant issues.
Maintain and enhance links with national, international and multinational organizations to promote the objectives of the societyCollaborate with government, industries, commerce, the academia and other national and international bodies as may be necessary or convenient for the advancement of the objectives of the society, etc.